Source code for chemcoord.cartesian_coordinates.xyz_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math as m
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import warnings
from threading import Thread

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sympy
from chemcoord.configuration import settings
from numba import jit

[docs]def view(molecule, viewer=None, use_curr_dir=False): """View your molecule or list of molecules. .. note:: This function writes a temporary file and opens it with an external viewer. If you modify your molecule afterwards you have to recall view in order to see the changes. Args: molecule: Can be a cartesian, or a list of cartesians. viewer (str): The external viewer to use. The default is specified in settings.viewer use_curr_dir (bool): If True, the temporary file is written to the current diretory. Otherwise it gets written to the OS dependendent temporary directory. Returns: None: """ viewer = settings['defaults']['viewer'] if hasattr(molecule, 'view'): molecule.view(viewer=viewer, use_curr_dir=use_curr_dir) else: if pd.api.types.is_list_like(molecule): cartesian_list = molecule else: raise ValueError('Argument is neither list nor Cartesian.') if use_curr_dir: TEMP_DIR = os.path.curdir else: TEMP_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir() def give_filename(i): filename = 'ChemCoord_list_' + str(i) + '.molden' return os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, filename) i = 1 while os.path.exists(give_filename(i)): i = i + 1 to_molden(cartesian_list, buf=give_filename(i)) def open_file(i): """Open file and close after being finished.""" try: subprocess.check_call([viewer, give_filename(i)]) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): raise finally: if use_curr_dir: pass else: os.remove(give_filename(i)) Thread(target=open_file, args=(i,)).start()
[docs]def to_molden(cartesian_list, buf=None, sort_index=True, overwrite=True, float_format='{:.6f}'.format): """Write a list of Cartesians into a molden file. .. note:: Since it permamently writes a file, this function is strictly speaking **not sideeffect free**. The list to be written is of course not changed. Args: cartesian_list (list): buf (str): StringIO-like, optional buffer to write to sort_index (bool): If sort_index is true, the Cartesian is sorted by the index before writing. overwrite (bool): May overwrite existing files. float_format (one-parameter function): Formatter function to apply to column’s elements if they are floats. The result of this function must be a unicode string. Returns: formatted : string (or unicode, depending on data and options) """ if sort_index: cartesian_list = [molecule.sort_index() for molecule in cartesian_list] give_header = ("[MOLDEN FORMAT]\n" + "[N_GEO]\n" + str(len(cartesian_list)) + "\n" + '[GEOCONV]\n' + 'energy\n{energy}' + 'max-force\n{max_force}' + 'rms-force\n{rms_force}' + '[GEOMETRIES] (XYZ)\n').format values = len(cartesian_list) * '1\n' energy = [str(m.metadata.get('energy', 1)) for m in cartesian_list] energy = '\n'.join(energy) + '\n' header = give_header(energy=energy, max_force=values, rms_force=values) coordinates = [x.to_xyz(sort_index=sort_index, float_format=float_format) for x in cartesian_list] output = header + '\n'.join(coordinates) if buf is not None: if overwrite: with open(buf, mode='w') as f: f.write(output) else: with open(buf, mode='x') as f: f.write(output) else: return output
[docs]def write_molden(*args, **kwargs): """Deprecated, use :func:`~chemcoord.xyz_functions.to_molden` """ message = 'Will be removed in the future. Please use to_molden().' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("always") warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return to_molden(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_molden(inputfile, start_index=0, get_bonds=True): """Read a molden file. Args: inputfile (str): start_index (int): Returns: list: A list containing :class:`~chemcoord.Cartesian` is returned. """ from chemcoord.cartesian_coordinates.cartesian_class_main import Cartesian with open(inputfile, 'r') as f: found = False while not found: line = f.readline() if '[N_GEO]' in line: found = True number_of_molecules = int(f.readline().strip()) energies = [] found = False while not found: line = f.readline() if 'energy' in line: found = True for _ in range(number_of_molecules): energies.append(float(f.readline().strip())) found = False while not found: line = f.readline() if '[GEOMETRIES] (XYZ)' in line: found = True current_line = f.tell() number_of_atoms = int(f.readline().strip()) cartesians = [] for energy in energies: cartesian = Cartesian.read_xyz( f, start_index=start_index, get_bonds=get_bonds, nrows=number_of_atoms, engine='python') cartesian.metadata['energy'] = energy cartesians.append(cartesian) return cartesians
[docs]def isclose(a, b, align=False, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """Compare two molecules for numerical equality. Args: a (Cartesian): b (Cartesian): align (bool): a and b are prealigned along their principal axes of inertia and moved to their barycenters before comparing. rtol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.isclose` for further explanation. atol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.isclose` for further explanation. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Boolean array. """ coords = ['x', 'y', 'z'] if not (set(a.index) == set(b.index) and np.alltrue(a.loc[:, 'atom'] == b.loc[a.index, 'atom'])): message = 'Can only compare molecules with the same atoms and labels' raise ValueError(message) if align: a = a.get_inertia()['transformed_Cartesian'] b = b.get_inertia()['transformed_Cartesian'] A, B = a.loc[:, coords], b.loc[a.index, coords] out = a._frame.copy() out['atom'] = True out.loc[:, coords] = np.isclose(A, B, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) return out
[docs]def allclose(a, b, align=False, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """Compare two molecules for numerical equality. Args: a (Cartesian): b (Cartesian): align (bool): a and b are prealigned along their principal axes of inertia and moved to their barycenters before comparing. rtol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.allclose` for further explanation. atol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.allclose` for further explanation. Returns: bool: """ return np.alltrue(isclose(a, b, align=align, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
[docs]def concat(cartesians, ignore_index=False, keys=None): """Join list of cartesians into one molecule. Wrapper around the :func:`pandas.concat` function. Default values are the same as in the pandas function except for ``verify_integrity`` which is set to true in case of this library. Args: cartesians (sequence): A sequence of :class:`~chemcoord.Cartesian` to be concatenated. ignore_index (sequence, bool, int): If it is a boolean, it behaves like in the description of :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.append`. If it is a sequence, it becomes the new index. If it is an integer, ``range(ignore_index, ignore_index + len(new))`` becomes the new index. keys (sequence): If multiple levels passed, should contain tuples. Construct hierarchical index using the passed keys as the outermost level Returns: Cartesian: """ frames = [molecule._frame for molecule in cartesians] new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=ignore_index, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) if type(ignore_index) is bool: new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=ignore_index, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) else: new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=True, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) if type(ignore_index) is int: new.index = range(ignore_index, ignore_index + len(new)) else: new.index = ignore_index return cartesians[0].__class__(new)
[docs]def dot(A, B): """Matrix multiplication between A and B This function is equivalent to ``A @ B``, which is unfortunately not possible under python 2.x. Args: A (sequence): B (sequence): Returns: sequence: """ try: result = A.__matmul__(B) if result is NotImplemented: result = B.__rmatmul__(A) except AttributeError: result = B.__rmatmul__(A) return result
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _jit_isclose(a, b, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-8): return np.abs(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * np.abs(b)) @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _jit_allclose(a, b, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-8): n, m = a.shape for i in range(n): for j in range(m): if np.abs(a[i, j] - b[i, j]) > (atol + rtol * np.abs(b[i, j])): return False return True @jit(nb.f8[:](nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:]), nopython=True) def _jit_cross(A, B): C = np.empty_like(A) C[0] = A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1] C[1] = A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2] C[2] = A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0] return C def normalize(vector): """Normalizes a vector """ normed_vector = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector) return normed_vector @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _jit_normalize(vector): """Normalizes a vector """ normed_vector = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector) return normed_vector def get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """Returns the rotation matrix. This function returns a matrix for the counterclockwise rotation around the given axis. The Input angle is in radians. Args: axis (vector): angle (float): Returns: Rotation matrix (np.array): """ axis = normalize(np.array(axis)) if not (np.array([1, 1, 1]).shape) == (3, ): raise ValueError('axis.shape has to be 3') angle = float(angle) return _jit_get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle) @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def _jit_get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """Returns the rotation matrix. This function returns a matrix for the counterclockwise rotation around the given axis. The Input angle is in radians. Args: axis (vector): angle (float): Returns: Rotation matrix (np.array): """ axis = _jit_normalize(axis) a = m.cos(angle / 2) b, c, d = axis * m.sin(angle / 2) rot_matrix = np.empty((3, 3)) rot_matrix[0, 0] = a**2 + b**2 - c**2 - d**2 rot_matrix[0, 1] = 2. * (b * c - a * d) rot_matrix[0, 2] = 2. * (b * d + a * c) rot_matrix[1, 0] = 2. * (b * c + a * d) rot_matrix[1, 1] = a**2 + c**2 - b**2 - d**2 rot_matrix[1, 2] = 2. * (c * d - a * b) rot_matrix[2, 0] = 2. * (b * d - a * c) rot_matrix[2, 1] = 2. * (c * d + a * b) rot_matrix[2, 2] = a**2 + d**2 - b**2 - c**2 return rot_matrix def orthonormalize_righthanded(basis): """Orthonormalizes righthandedly a given 3D basis. This functions returns a right handed orthonormalize_righthandedd basis. Since only the first two vectors in the basis are used, it does not matter if you give two or three vectors. Right handed means, that: .. math:: \\vec{e_1} \\times \\vec{e_2} &= \\vec{e_3} \\\\ \\vec{e_2} \\times \\vec{e_3} &= \\vec{e_1} \\\\ \\vec{e_3} \\times \\vec{e_1} &= \\vec{e_2} \\\\ Args: basis (np.array): An array of shape = (3,2) or (3,3) Returns: new_basis (np.array): A right handed orthonormalized basis. """ v1, v2 = basis[:, 0], basis[:, 1] e1 = normalize(v1) e3 = normalize(np.cross(e1, v2)) e2 = normalize(np.cross(e3, e1)) return np.array([e1, e2, e3]).T def get_kabsch_rotation(Q, P, weights=None): """Calculate the optimal rotation from ``P`` unto ``Q``. Using the Kabsch algorithm the optimal rotation matrix for the rotation of ``other`` unto ``self`` is calculated. The algorithm is described very well in `wikipedia <>`_. Args: other (Cartesian): Returns: :class:`~numpy.array`: Rotation matrix """ # The general problem with weights is decribed in # # The problem with equal weights is described # # Naming of variables follows wikipedia article about the Kabsch algorithm if weights is None: A = P.T @ Q else: A = P.T @ np.diag(weights) @ Q # One can't initialize an array over its transposed V, S, W = np.linalg.svd(A) # pylint:disable=unused-variable W = W.T d = np.linalg.det(W @ V.T) return W @ np.diag([1., 1., d]) @ V.T
[docs]def apply_grad_zmat_tensor(grad_C, construction_table, cart_dist): """Apply the gradient for transformation to Zmatrix space onto cart_dist. Args: grad_C (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A ``(3, n, n, 3)`` array. The mathematical details of the index layout is explained in :meth:`~chemcoord.Cartesian.get_grad_zmat()`. construction_table (pandas.DataFrame): Explained in :meth:`~chemcoord.Cartesian.get_construction_table()`. cart_dist (:class:`~chemcoord.Cartesian`): Distortions in cartesian space. Returns: :class:`Zmat`: Distortions in Zmatrix space. """ if (construction_table.index != cart_dist.index).any(): message = "construction_table and cart_dist must use the same index" raise ValueError(message) X_dist = cart_dist.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.T C_dist = np.tensordot(grad_C, X_dist, axes=([3, 2], [0, 1])).T if C_dist.dtype == np.dtype('i8'): C_dist = C_dist.astype('f8') try: C_dist[:, [1, 2]] = np.rad2deg(C_dist[:, [1, 2]]) # Unevaluated symbolic expressions are remaining. # catches AttributeError as well, because this was # the raised exception before except (AttributeError, TypeError): C_dist[:, [1, 2]] = sympy.deg(C_dist[:, [1, 2]]) from chemcoord.internal_coordinates.zmat_class_main import Zmat cols = ['atom', 'b', 'bond', 'a', 'angle', 'd', 'dihedral'] dtypes = ['O', 'i8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8'] new = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(construction_table), 7)), index=cart_dist.index, columns=cols, dtype='f8') new = new.astype(dict(zip(cols, dtypes))) new.loc[:, ['b', 'a', 'd']] = construction_table new.loc[:, 'atom'] = cart_dist.loc[:, 'atom'] new.loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = C_dist return Zmat(new, _metadata={'last_valid_cartesian': cart_dist})