Source code for chemcoord.internal_coordinates._zmat_class_io

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
                        unicode_literals, with_statement)

import warnings

import pandas as pd

import chemcoord.constants as constants
from chemcoord._generic_classes.generic_IO import GenericIO
from chemcoord.exceptions import InvalidReference, UndefinedCoordinateSystem
from chemcoord.internal_coordinates._zmat_class_core import ZmatCore

class ZmatIO(ZmatCore, GenericIO):
    def __repr__(self):
        return self._frame.__repr__()

    def _abs_ref_formatter(self, format_as='string'):
        out = self.copy()
        if format_as == 'raw':
        elif format_as == 'string':
            rename = constants.string_repr
        elif format_as == 'latex':
            rename = constants.latex_repr
            message = "Give either 'latex', 'string' or 'raw' as format"
            raise ValueError(message)
        if format_as != 'raw':
                to_replace={col: rename for col in ['b', 'a', 'd']},
        return out

    def _repr_html_(self):
        out = self._sympy_formatter()._abs_ref_formatter(format_as='latex')

        def insert_before_substring(insert_txt, substr, txt):
            """Under the assumption that substr only appears once.
            return (insert_txt + substr).join(txt.split(substr))
        html_txt = out._frame._repr_html_()
        insert_txt = '<caption>{}</caption>\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
        return insert_before_substring(insert_txt, '<thead>', html_txt)

    def _remove_upper_triangle(self):
        out = self.copy()
        for i in range(min(len(self), 3)):
            out.unsafe_iloc[i, (2 * i + 1):] = ''
        return out

    def to_string(self, buf=None, format_abs_ref_as='string',
                  upper_triangle=True, header=True, index=True, **kwargs):
        """Render a DataFrame to a console-friendly tabular output.

        Wrapper around the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_string` method.
        out = self._sympy_formatter()
        out = out._abs_ref_formatter(format_as=format_abs_ref_as)
        if not upper_triangle:
            out = out._remove_upper_triangle()

        content = out._frame.to_string(buf=buf, header=header, index=index,
        if not index and not header:
            # NOTE(the following might be removed in the future
            # introduced because of formatting bug in pandas
            # See
            space = ' ' * (out.loc[:, 'atom'].str.len().max()
                           - len(out.iloc[0, 0]))
            content = space + content
        return content

    def to_latex(self, buf=None, upper_triangle=True, **kwargs):
        """Render a DataFrame to a tabular environment table.

        You can splice this into a LaTeX document.
        Requires ``\\usepackage{booktabs}``.
        Wrapper around the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_latex` method.
        out = self._sympy_formatter()
        out = out._abs_ref_formatter(format_as='latex')
        if not upper_triangle:
            out = out._remove_upper_triangle()
        return out._frame.to_latex(buf=buf, **kwargs)

    def read_zmat(cls, inputfile, implicit_index=True):
        """Reads a zmat file.

        Lines beginning with ``#`` are ignored.

            inputfile (str):
            implicit_index (bool): If this option is true the first column
            has to be the element symbols for the atoms.
                The row number is used to determine the index.

        cols = ['atom', 'b', 'bond', 'a', 'angle', 'd', 'dihedral']
        if implicit_index:
            zmat_frame = pd.read_table(inputfile, comment='#',
            zmat_frame.index = range(1, len(zmat_frame) + 1)
            zmat_frame = pd.read_table(inputfile, comment='#',
                                       names=['temp_index'] + cols)
            zmat_frame.set_index('temp_index', drop=True, inplace=True)
   = None
        if pd.isnull(zmat_frame.iloc[0, 1]):
            zmat_values = [1.27, 127., 127.]
            zmat_refs = [constants.int_label[x] for x in
                         ['origin', 'e_z', 'e_x']]
            for row, i in enumerate(zmat_frame.index[:3]):
                cols = ['b', 'a', 'd']
                zmat_frame.loc[:, cols] = zmat_frame.loc[:, cols].astype('O')
                if row < 2:
                    zmat_frame.loc[i, cols[row:]] = zmat_refs[row:]
                    zmat_frame.loc[i, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral'][row:]
                                   ] = zmat_values[row:]
                    zmat_frame.loc[i, 'd'] = zmat_refs[2]
                    zmat_frame.loc[i, 'dihedral'] = zmat_values[2]

        elif zmat_frame.iloc[0, 1] in constants.int_label.keys():
            zmat_frame = zmat_frame.replace(
                {col: constants.int_label for col in ['b', 'a', 'd']})
        zmat_frame = cls._cast_correct_types(zmat_frame)
            Zmat = cls(zmat_frame)
        except InvalidReference:
            raise UndefinedCoordinateSystem(
                'Your zmatrix cannot be transformed to cartesian coordinates')
        return Zmat

    def to_zmat(self, buf=None, upper_triangle=True, implicit_index=True,
                float_format='{:.6f}'.format, overwrite=True,
        """Write zmat-file

            buf (str): StringIO-like, optional buffer to write to
            implicit_index (bool): If implicit_index is set, the zmat indexing
                is changed to ``range(1, len(self) + 1)``.
                Using :meth:`~chemcoord.Zmat.change_numbering`
                Besides the index is omitted while writing which means,
                that the index is given
                implicitly by the row number.
            float_format (one-parameter function): Formatter function
                to apply to column’s elements if they are floats.
                The result of this function must be a unicode string.
            overwrite (bool): May overwrite existing files.

            formatted : string (or unicode, depending on data and options)
        out = self.copy()
        if implicit_index:
            out = out.change_numbering(new_index=range(1, len(self) + 1))
        if not upper_triangle:
            out = out._remove_upper_triangle()

        output = out.to_string(index=(not implicit_index),
                               float_format=float_format, header=header)

        if buf is not None:
            if overwrite:
                with open(buf, mode='w') as f:
                with open(buf, mode='x') as f:
            return output

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Deprecated, use :meth:`~chemcoord.Zmat.to_zmat`
        message = 'Will be removed in the future. Please use to_zmat().'
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
        return self.to_zmat(*args, **kwargs)