Source code for chemcoord.cartesian_coordinates.xyz_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
                        unicode_literals, with_statement)

import math as m
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import warnings
from io import open  # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
from threading import Thread

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sympy
from chemcoord.configuration import settings
from numba import jit

[docs]def view(molecule, viewer=settings['defaults']['viewer'], use_curr_dir=False): """View your molecule or list of molecules. .. note:: This function writes a temporary file and opens it with an external viewer. If you modify your molecule afterwards you have to recall view in order to see the changes. Args: molecule: Can be a cartesian, or a list of cartesians. viewer (str): The external viewer to use. The default is specified in settings.viewer use_curr_dir (bool): If True, the temporary file is written to the current diretory. Otherwise it gets written to the OS dependendent temporary directory. Returns: None: """ try: molecule.view(viewer=viewer, use_curr_dir=use_curr_dir) except AttributeError: if pd.api.types.is_list_like(molecule): cartesian_list = molecule else: raise ValueError('Argument is neither list nor Cartesian.') if use_curr_dir: TEMP_DIR = os.path.curdir else: TEMP_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir() def give_filename(i): filename = 'ChemCoord_list_' + str(i) + '.molden' return os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, filename) i = 1 while os.path.exists(give_filename(i)): i = i + 1 to_molden(cartesian_list, buf=give_filename(i)) def open_file(i): """Open file and close after being finished.""" try: subprocess.check_call([viewer, give_filename(i)]) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): raise finally: if use_curr_dir: pass else: os.remove(give_filename(i)) Thread(target=open_file, args=(i,)).start()
[docs]def to_molden(cartesian_list, buf=None, sort_index=True, overwrite=True, float_format='{:.6f}'.format): """Write a list of Cartesians into a molden file. .. note:: Since it permamently writes a file, this function is strictly speaking **not sideeffect free**. The list to be written is of course not changed. Args: cartesian_list (list): buf (str): StringIO-like, optional buffer to write to sort_index (bool): If sort_index is true, the Cartesian is sorted by the index before writing. overwrite (bool): May overwrite existing files. float_format (one-parameter function): Formatter function to apply to column’s elements if they are floats. The result of this function must be a unicode string. Returns: formatted : string (or unicode, depending on data and options) """ if sort_index: cartesian_list = [molecule.sort_index() for molecule in cartesian_list] give_header = ("[MOLDEN FORMAT]\n" + "[N_GEO]\n" + str(len(cartesian_list)) + "\n" + '[GEOCONV]\n' + 'energy\n{energy}' + 'max-force\n{max_force}' + 'rms-force\n{rms_force}' + '[GEOMETRIES] (XYZ)\n').format values = len(cartesian_list) * '1\n' header = give_header(energy=values, max_force=values, rms_force=values) coordinates = [x.to_xyz(sort_index=sort_index, float_format=float_format) for x in cartesian_list] output = header + '\n'.join(coordinates) if buf is not None: if overwrite: with open(buf, mode='w') as f: f.write(output) else: with open(buf, mode='x') as f: f.write(output) else: return output
[docs]def write_molden(*args, **kwargs): """Deprecated, use :func:`~chemcoord.xyz_functions.to_molden` """ message = 'Will be removed in the future. Please use to_molden().' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("always") warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return to_molden(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_molden(inputfile, start_index=0, get_bonds=True): """Read a molden file. Args: inputfile (str): start_index (int): Returns: list: A list containing :class:`~chemcoord.Cartesian` is returned. """ from chemcoord.cartesian_coordinates.cartesian_class_main import Cartesian with open(inputfile, 'r') as f: found = False while not found: line = f.readline() if line.strip() == '[N_GEO]': found = True number_of_molecules = int(f.readline().strip()) found = False while not found: line = f.readline() if line.strip() == '[GEOMETRIES] (XYZ)': found = True current_line = f.tell() number_of_atoms = int(f.readline().strip()) cartesians = [] for _ in range(number_of_molecules): cartesians.append(Cartesian.read_xyz( f, start_index=start_index, get_bonds=get_bonds, nrows=number_of_atoms, engine='python')) return cartesians
[docs]def isclose(a, b, align=False, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """Compare two molecules for numerical equality. Args: a (Cartesian): b (Cartesian): align (bool): a and b are prealigned along their principal axes of inertia and moved to their barycenters before comparing. rtol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.isclose` for further explanation. atol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.isclose` for further explanation. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Boolean array. """ coords = ['x', 'y', 'z'] if not (set(a.index) == set(b.index) and np.alltrue(a.loc[:, 'atom'] == b.loc[a.index, 'atom'])): message = 'Can only compare molecules with the same atoms and labels' raise ValueError(message) if align: a = a.get_inertia()['transformed_Cartesian'] b = b.get_inertia()['transformed_Cartesian'] A, B = a.loc[:, coords], b.loc[a.index, coords] out = a._frame.copy() out['atom'] = True out.loc[:, coords] = np.isclose(A, B, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) return out
[docs]def allclose(a, b, align=False, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """Compare two molecules for numerical equality. Args: a (Cartesian): b (Cartesian): align (bool): a and b are prealigned along their principal axes of inertia and moved to their barycenters before comparing. rtol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.allclose` for further explanation. atol (float): Relative tolerance for the numerical equality comparison look into :func:`numpy.allclose` for further explanation. Returns: bool: """ return np.alltrue(isclose(a, b, align=align, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
[docs]def concat(cartesians, ignore_index=False, keys=None): """Join list of cartesians into one molecule. Wrapper around the :func:`pandas.concat` function. Default values are the same as in the pandas function except for ``verify_integrity`` which is set to true in case of this library. Args: ignore_index (sequence, bool, int): If it is a boolean, it behaves like in the description of :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.append`. If it is a sequence, it becomes the new index. If it is an integer, ``range(ignore_index, ignore_index + len(new))`` becomes the new index. keys (sequence): If multiple levels passed, should contain tuples. Construct hierarchical index using the passed keys as the outermost level Returns: Cartesian: """ frames = [molecule._frame for molecule in cartesians] new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=ignore_index, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) if type(ignore_index) is bool: new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=ignore_index, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) else: new = pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=True, keys=keys, verify_integrity=True) if type(ignore_index) is int: new.index = range(ignore_index, ignore_index + len(new)) else: new.index = ignore_index return cartesians[0].__class__(new)
[docs]def dot(A, B): """Matrix multiplication between A and B This function is equivalent to ``A @ B``, which is unfortunately not possible under python 2.x. Args: A (sequence): B (sequence): Returns: sequence: """ try: result = A.__matmul__(B) if result is NotImplemented: result = B.__rmatmul__(A) except AttributeError: result = B.__rmatmul__(A) return result
@jit(nopython=True) def _jit_isclose(a, b, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-8): return np.abs(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * np.abs(b)) @jit(nopython=True) def _jit_allclose(a, b, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-8): n, m = a.shape for i in range(n): for j in range(m): if np.abs(a[i, j] - b[i, j]) > (atol + rtol * np.abs(b[i, j])): return False return True @jit(nb.f8[:](nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:]), nopython=True) def _jit_cross(A, B): C = np.empty_like(A) C[0] = A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1] C[1] = A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2] C[2] = A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0] return C def normalize(vector): """Normalizes a vector """ normed_vector = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector) return normed_vector @jit(nopython=True) def _jit_normalize(vector): """Normalizes a vector """ normed_vector = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector) return normed_vector def get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """Returns the rotation matrix. This function returns a matrix for the counterclockwise rotation around the given axis. The Input angle is in radians. Args: axis (vector): angle (float): Returns: Rotation matrix (np.array): """ axis = normalize(np.array(axis)) if not (np.array([1, 1, 1]).shape) == (3, ): raise ValueError('axis.shape has to be 3') angle = float(angle) return _jit_get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle) @jit(nopython=True) def _jit_get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """Returns the rotation matrix. This function returns a matrix for the counterclockwise rotation around the given axis. The Input angle is in radians. Args: axis (vector): angle (float): Returns: Rotation matrix (np.array): """ axis = _jit_normalize(axis) a = m.cos(angle / 2) b, c, d = axis * m.sin(angle / 2) rot_matrix = np.empty((3, 3)) rot_matrix[0, 0] = a**2 + b**2 - c**2 - d**2 rot_matrix[0, 1] = 2. * (b * c - a * d) rot_matrix[0, 2] = 2. * (b * d + a * c) rot_matrix[1, 0] = 2. * (b * c + a * d) rot_matrix[1, 1] = a**2 + c**2 - b**2 - d**2 rot_matrix[1, 2] = 2. * (c * d - a * b) rot_matrix[2, 0] = 2. * (b * d - a * c) rot_matrix[2, 1] = 2. * (c * d + a * b) rot_matrix[2, 2] = a**2 + d**2 - b**2 - c**2 return rot_matrix def orthonormalize_righthanded(basis): """Orthonormalizes righthandedly a given 3D basis. This functions returns a right handed orthonormalize_righthandedd basis. Since only the first two vectors in the basis are used, it does not matter if you give two or three vectors. Right handed means, that: .. math:: \\vec{e_1} \\times \\vec{e_2} &= \\vec{e_3} \\\\ \\vec{e_2} \\times \\vec{e_3} &= \\vec{e_1} \\\\ \\vec{e_3} \\times \\vec{e_1} &= \\vec{e_2} \\\\ Args: basis (np.array): An array of shape = (3,2) or (3,3) Returns: new_basis (np.array): A right handed orthonormalized basis. """ v1, v2 = basis[:, 0], basis[:, 1] e1 = normalize(v1) e3 = normalize(np.cross(e1, v2)) e2 = normalize(np.cross(e3, e1)) return np.array([e1, e2, e3]).T def get_kabsch_rotation(Q, P): """Calculate the optimal rotation from ``P`` unto ``Q``. Using the Kabsch algorithm the optimal rotation matrix for the rotation of ``other`` unto ``self`` is calculated. The algorithm is described very well in `wikipedia <>`_. Args: other (Cartesian): Returns: :class:`~numpy.array`: Rotation matrix """ # Naming of variables follows the wikipedia article: # A =, Q) # One can't initialize an array over its transposed V, S, W = np.linalg.svd(A) # pylint:disable=unused-variable W = W.T d = np.linalg.det(, V.T)) return np.linalg.multi_dot((W, np.diag([1., 1., d]), V.T))
[docs]def apply_grad_zmat_tensor(grad_C, construction_table, cart_dist): """Apply the gradient for transformation to Zmatrix space onto cart_dist. Args: grad_C (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): A ``(3, n, n, 3)`` array. The mathematical details of the index layout is explained in :meth:`~chemcoord.Cartesian.get_grad_zmat()`. construction_table (pandas.DataFrame): Explained in :meth:`~chemcoord.Cartesian.get_construction_table()`. cart_dist (:class:`~chemcoord.Cartesian`): Distortions in cartesian space. Returns: :class:`Zmat`: Distortions in Zmatrix space. """ if (construction_table.index != cart_dist.index).any(): message = "construction_table and cart_dist must use the same index" raise ValueError(message) X_dist = cart_dist.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.T C_dist = np.tensordot(grad_C, X_dist, axes=([3, 2], [0, 1])).T if C_dist.dtype == np.dtype('i8'): C_dist = C_dist.astype('f8') try: C_dist[:, [1, 2]] = np.rad2deg(C_dist[:, [1, 2]]) except AttributeError: C_dist[:, [1, 2]] = sympy.deg(C_dist[:, [1, 2]]) from chemcoord.internal_coordinates.zmat_class_main import Zmat cols = ['atom', 'b', 'bond', 'a', 'angle', 'd', 'dihedral'] dtypes = ['O', 'i8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8'] new = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((len(construction_table), 7)), index=cart_dist.index, columns=cols, dtype='f8') new = new.astype(dict(zip(cols, dtypes))) new.loc[:, ['b', 'a', 'd']] = construction_table new.loc[:, 'atom'] = cart_dist.loc[:, 'atom'] new.loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = C_dist return Zmat(new, _metadata={'last_valid_cartesian': cart_dist})